

100g & 50g Water Soluble Powder


Levastar contains as active ingredient, Levamisole which is very effective as a de-wormer and also acts as an immune-modulator


Levamisole Hydrochloride B.P 30% w/w

Unique Property

Levastar has an immunomodulation effect. It revises depressed T-lymphocytes function and enhances the activities of phagocytes

Specific Indication

Elimination of:

  • Ascaridia galli, Oxyspirura, Heterakis, Capillaria and Syngamus in poultry and swine
  • Gastrointestinal nematodes, hookworms, whipworms, lungworms and heartworms in livestock


  • Poultry

Deworming: 50gms in 100 litres of water for 500 layers or 1000 growers

Immunomodulation: 25gms in 100 litres of water for 500 layers or 1000 growers

  • Livestock, Swine & Dog: 8-10mg per kg body weight


5 days for eggs and meat


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